

This application is entirely funded by the donations of generous users who have contributed to keeping it alive. Without the donations, this application likely would have stopped a long time ago. We appreciate everyone's kindness and support, and are always endeavoring to make the Clan_Bot and RSClanAdmin apps better for everyone.

Our servers cost around $100 per month. Below is a bar graph of the percent of donations for the current month to cover the costs of the servers. Directly below that bar is the link to our PayPal account where you can donate if you'd like to support keeping the servers running.

5 Latest Donations

# Username Donation
1 Saphira3883 10
2 TheAJay 5
3 Ex Inferi 10
4 Cabola 40
5 Ol Spooky 50

Top Donations (February)

# Username Total Donations

Top Donations (All Time)

# Username Total Donations
1 Kriecher 350
2 Cabola 200
3 Caedos 140
4 The Noetic 135
5 ReliveThe90s 130
6 Sparky Kitty 130
7 Macka 110
8 Wcingmachine 105
9 Snugly Fluff 100
10 Med Mage 100
11 Yosh 100
12 Evangeline 70
13 Mythica UK 70
14 Kixxie 70
15 Super K 0 55
16 Darkstar 50
17 I am Malazan 50
18 Ol Spooky 50
19 Final Stanza 45
20 FooD Lessons 42
21 RecentSama 40
22 Senpai Brad 35
23 Neptulon 35
24 Birkern 25
25 broomee9 25
26 LeslieFay 20
27 Enobaria 20
28 KittyAshlee 20
29 L0NE DRUID 20
30 Dark Mowgli 20
31 Rev Slayer 20
32 SoullessPro 20
33 Uthog 20
34 TeamRocket 20
35 Sauberkeit 19
36 The Five-O 15
37 truemaster19 15
38 Sekai 15
39 Saphira3883 15
40 Lord Gandalf 10
41 Swine 10
42 Not a Puppet 10
43 Clumsy C0w 10
44 Papa Grimbow 10
45 Temerarius 10
46 AngelBarbela 10
47 Jj Oo Ee Yy 10
48 Arjena3 10
49 Werewolf 10
50 Sp00kee 10
51 The Virus 10
52 Lilcapcave 10
53 Silently 10
54 freakinChuck 10
55 Logon 10
56 Kakashiruto 10
57 Darcheart 10
58 Ex Inferi 10
59 xl blue lx 5
60 Fire_x 5
61 Surai 5
62 Darr 5
63 Salabar 5
64 jurgendanhof 5
65 Black Magic 5
66 Zwarte Duif 5
67 Dalai Lama 5
68 I0wnu4life 5
69 Kreature btw 5
70 Krampus X 5
71 FlavaFlareon 5
72 Saint Jace 5
73 Sirr Skillaa 5
74 Exiled Vigor 5
75 Forestis 5
76 Salcos 5
77 Atrum Dies 5
78 wizard0420 5
79 ideej 5
80 Asezal 5
81 Satisdiction 5
82 SirColin 5
83 MrsFriskyFox 5
84 Dropbox 5
85 Ripper man5 5
86 Zuxpa 5
87 PolyBound 5
88 Aila Mao 5
89 zuko 5
90 Tyler Says 5
91 The Pandaa 5
92 Auggy91 5
93 Madmaxxed 5
94 Tick1e Fart 5
95 Only 9 Lives 5
96 SnackPackets 5
97 TheAJay 5
98 MoistyDaWolf 1