This release is a small release to resolve some of the issues that have been observed. Namely, we have tried to fix the user not found issues. Please see the release notes below for all fo the changes.
When a user registers and has not validated a RSN yet, the My Clan link is replaced with a Validate a RSN link
Admin menu item is removed from the Discord Commands page until it is needed
Validating a RSN that is not found in a clan from a RuneScape API has been modified to prompt the user with an error
Navigating to My Clan with the property Display_Points_To_Users = false now does not return an error
Added details to the FAQ page
Exp points now show on in the total on Clan Homepage in the My Points card
Updated the look of the checkbox on the promotion page
Added a help popup on the webhooks page to show the differences in webhook output type
Sort order for Caps and Visits in the View User page to descending so newest is always on top
cookie consent now properly disappears
Hid the players link at the top of the page until we get pagination added so all users aren't trying to be loaded at once
When editing an event, the correct organizer is now populated and subsequently saved upon saving your changes
Various typos fixed
Discord Bot
Output from the Donor UpdateSheet command is now working properly
Donors can now use the Donor UpdateSheet command
FAQ link goes to the correct URL in the _help command
Links from the Private Alogs command now have valid URLs
Event print error is handled when location or organizer are null
Various typos fixed
Update Process
Tweaking the number of users each server can update at the same time to hopefully speed things up
Added more error checks to the process to hopefully resolve member lists not updating properly